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To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or the life of another.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
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The perfect winter hat for 2019
It’s true that we lose up to 10% of our body heat through our head. It’s also true that we’re likely to face another record-breaking winter which will see rain, snow, wind and ultra-low temperatures from now until March. For men, especially those of us with less hair, it’s even more important that we find a hat that doesn’t just look good but also does the job.
Retro-reflective material: how does it work?
Reflective surfaces are everywhere, from road signs and safety clothing to the number plates on your car. The type of material used is known as ‘retro-reflective’ because it bounces back light from another source. But exactly how does this work?
How to Hack Wifi Password on Android Phone Without Rooting
Mobile devices will not cease to amaze the world, especially Android phones, who continuously offer new tools to help improve the user experience. This is how you can decrypt the password of a wifi network through them. It is recommended to use this function only for personal wireless networks in case you have forgotten your password or for those where you have the authorization. It is an illegal practice. Having this clear, here we show you how to hack wifi password on android phone without rooting.
Examples of the most reputable brands to give consideration to when analysing football kit retailers
Have you ever noticed that your team’s football kit is looking a bit rough around the edges? Are your sports tops beyond their prime, pale and out of shape whilst your socks have holes in and don’t smell too good either? Ensure that you choose wisely because your sports kit can have a big impact on performance in addition to motivation. When your sports team looks smart and ready to go, they’ll feel more motivated too. So head to stockists such as and get yourself some smart kit.
Hefeweizen Recipe: How to Prepare Germany Wheat Beer at Home
Hefeweizen is a wheat beer of Bavarian tradition. In German, hefeweizen means fermented wheat. So, named because this beer is not filtered. Tiny particles of the yeast sediment give the beer an unclear and cloudy appearance. For this reason, the Germans sometimes call the hefeweizen: Bottled bread.
Why Can’t We Tickle Ourselves
Tickling is a great way to make a friend, a couple or any loved one laugh. The link established with the other person is strengthened with this detail. Life usually has difficult moments when it is difficult to be happy. So, a good attitude and a smile are the best allies to scare away bad vibes every time we have the opportunity. In this section, we tell you why can’t we tickle ourselves.
The Benefits of Hiring A Catering Service for Your Next Big Event
If you really want your next big event to be a memorable one, you should skip the professional caterer. Don’t hire an expert to handle the food and beverage service for all of your guests. You can be sure they will remember the lack of attention to detail and shoddy service, not to mention how well the food turned out. After all, good enough should be fine. Right?
Now that we’ve got that nonsense out of the way, let’s consider how you can benefit from hiring an exceptional farmingdale caterer for your next big event. In fact, there aren’t just multiple ways in which you can benefit from this decision but those benefits can extend to you and your guests.
You want this soiree to be memorable for all of the right reasons. It’s when your invitees recall the poor quality of the food and how little there was to eat that you have failed entirely at your task, because that’s all they’re talking about the next day.
Lower Stress Levels
We all know that planning any big event can be a challenge, one fraught with many problems that need solving. Your food shouldn’t be among those challenges. Not when you hire the right catering service for your big event. Consider everything that goes into planning your menu for the party, you need to do everything from decide on what to serve to how many people are being served to how all of that food is going to be presented to your guests.
You don’t want to deal with all of that, do you? The good thing is that you don’t have to when you hire a professional catering service to do the work for you. Go ahead and delegate those responsibilities to the experts and you can put your attention and skills towards the other pressing matters on your event planning to-do list.
Save More Time
So, if you don’t hire a catering service, then who is going to be handling the culinary portion of your event? You? If that’s your plan then you had better carve out enough time in the days ahead to go to the supermarket, shop for all of the ingredients you need to put your menu together, and don’t forget all of the preparation and cooking time needed to create all of your courses.
What happens if and when you screw something up? A batch of something gets overcooked or burned? You’re going back to the store for more ingredients or you’re going to the event with too few items. Either way, it’s a compromise that you don’t need to take on.
After you’ve done all of that preparation and cooking (hopefully it didn’t take too much more extra time to clean up the kitchen), you then need to figure out how you’re going to transport all of that food to the venue. Is your car big enough? Are you going to have to make two, three, perhaps more trips back and forth to get it all there safely?
You see how this can all be a massive inconvenience? All of which can be avoided by just hiring the right professional caterer for your big event.
Kitchen Cabinets: Deciding Whether to Replace or Reface
Is it time to reface your cabinets or replace your cabinets? Many homeowners will turn to cabinet refacing as a way to give their kitchens a whole new look without splurging on a complete remodel. You can spend less and still have a great new kitchen but only if your cabinets are in good enough shape to be refaced or refinished.
What Should You Do If Your Roof Springs A Leak?
A roof leak can bring about all kinds of problems. You could be facing serious water damage and your roof may need vital repairs that were either previously ignored or undiscovered until now. Whatever the case may be, your next call will be to a roofing contractor Des Moines IA to assess the situation and repair the problem as soon as possible.
Can You Be Fired for Being A Whistleblower?
In order to understand if you can be fired for being a whistleblower you must first fully understand what constitutes becoming one. Any employee who reports a violation of the law committed by an employer can be considered a whistleblower, regardless of the claims being made. These can range from violations of standard industry practices to sexual harassment claims but whatever the case may be, if you report these violations or claims to an authority you are protected by the laws that govern your state.
But while the laws in place for whistleblower protection can vary from one state to the next, there is one thing that every jurisdiction has in common – it is unlawful for an employer to fire any employee who comes forward as a whistleblower to report violations being committed by that employer.
That’s not say that employees don’t get fired in retaliation for their actions coming forward. It does happen even though it falls out of compliance with whistleblower laws on the books. Should this happen to you or if you are considering coming forward about a violation or violations being committed by your employer, you should always contact a whistleblower attorney who will help protect your rights.
Finding the right attorney can make all the difference in your ability to protect your rights and take on your employer should he or she dismiss you for reporting illegal practices in the workplace.
Whistleblower Protections
Multiple state and federal laws are in place to safeguard the rights of both public and private employees who are dismissed from their employment because they have come forward about violations and/or misconduct on the part of their employer. But regardless of the claim being filed or the violations committed, it is unlawful for that employer, individual or organization, to dismiss the employee as a result.
Any retaliation taken against an employee in this regard is prohibited under multiple mandates and statutes including OSHA whistleblower protections, along with multiple additional bodies and regulatory groups.
Firing A Whistleblower
The laws against firing a whistleblower extend to both federal and state jurisdictions and it is unlawful in most states to fire anyone for reporting violations. However, the laws do vary from one state to the next as to whom can enjoy these protections be it public or private employees, as well as to whom these protections are afforded in each situation.
Certain states have very specific requirements and limitations on the books as to the amount of time a whistleblower has to file a claim and still enjoy protection under the law. In most instances, a whistleblower must file their claim within 90 to 120 days of a violation being committed in order to enjoy full protection.
For example, those who are filing a claim against an employer who has taken retaliatory action against you in the state of California, the limitation is two years from the date of the alleged retaliation. Such complaints can be made to any number of regulatory enforcement bodies but OSHA should definitely be included as part of your reporting.