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When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or the life of another.


You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

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How to Prevent Tree Damage to Your Roof

Trees are a useful and necessary component to life. They provide a myriad of benefits that outweigh the troubles they can often pose to your residential roof…and, let’s face it, they can be a real nuisance. But as long as you practice some smart routine maintenance for preserving the condition of your roofing, you can avoid high repair and replacement bills from your local roofers Alpharetta GA.

So, let’s consider the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to tree damage and the roof on your house. You can avoid many of the most common dangers by taking some simple steps for prevention before something falls on your home and steps for cleanup after branches or other tree-borne debris come down and land on the house.

Trees and Roofing

Believe it or not, the two do mix or at least they can co-habitate together. Even if your nearby trees are dumping branches and debris on your roof, they can still bring plenty of benefits as well. Besides the obvious things like shade and curb appeal, trees have other qualities about them that make for good reasons not to cut them down simply to prevent damage to your roof.

Wind Reduction

Older and larger trees are very good at blocking the velocity of wind that can have a serious negative impact on the condition of your roofing shingles. This is particularly helpful during heavy rainstorms that come with high winds.

Ultraviolet Protection

Trees provide shade so when they’re standing high above or even near your roof, the UV rays from the sun are filtered and dissipated which can help prolong the life span of your roofing materials. In addition, that can also help reduce the temperature in your house as the sun’s rays and heat are filtered and that prevents your shingles from absorbing as much heat which can seep into your home’s interior, making it warmer and uncomfortable during the summer.

Distance from Roof

So, while there are benefits to having trees near or above the roof of your home, you should also be aware of the safe distance necessary to keep your roof from sustaining damage. The overall rule of thumb as to the space that you should maintain between the ends of a tree’s bough and the roof is approximate six feet.

This means planting larger trees about twenty to thirty feet from the house to keep that safe distance between the tree branches and the roof. Your homeowner’s insurance policy may also have some recommendations or even hard mandates as to how far your branches must be kept from the roof. While these types of insurance policies cover damage done to the home and the roof by trees and branches, you may find your claim being denied if your insurance provider determines you allowed the tree to get too close and the damage occurred as a result of your negligence.

Eliminate the Debris

Roofs are going to be hit with minor debris in the form of leaves, sticks, branches, blossoms, and other various needles, nuts, and even fruit. Having any of these things fall on the roof may not seem like all that big a deal. However, when all of that stuff starts to collect up there you could be courting danger.

That’s because when all of those items accumulate, they can begin to threaten the well-being of the shingles. You might be surprised at how easy a roofing shingle can become cracked by debris from a tree. If not a crack, you may find some shingles shifted out of place. That can lead to bigger problems, particularly water damage from precipitation.

The next time it rains, even small trickles of water seeping in beneath or in between a cracked or shifted shingle can bring lead to more water and that could end up with your home sustaining major water damage in a relatively short period of time. That can be costly to repair and you may not even realize it’s happening until the damage has become very bad.

Clean Out the Gutters

Your gutters are there for one very important reason and that’s to move water away and off of your roof when it rains. It’s a simple design, the water sluices from the roofing into a channel that leads to the ground. But for that design to work properly the gutters need to be free and clear of obstructions. If the gutters are clogged with leaves, branches, and various other detritus that can prevent the unhindered flow of water.

When that occurs, the gutters get backed up and the water starts to rise up and spill back onto the roof and down the sides of the home. More water hitting your roofing shingles increases your risk of moisture penetrating in between and underneath them, leading to the same potential for water damage under the roof and inside the home.

So be very diligent about monitoring your gutters and clean them out regularly. Even the smallest obstruction can create a clog and force the water to become backed up.

Regular Inspections

As we’ve seen thus far, trees can be a benefit and a burden when it comes to your roof. But the best way to prevent tree damage is to conduct routine inspections of the roof. Go up there right now and take a look around. You may need to clear away random fallen debris that is up there at this very moment.

But there are other specific times you should inspect your roof, such as after a major storm or high winds. Those are the times when the roof can sustain some damage, large or small. Either way, you want to diagnose problems before they become too big and you’re paying large sums of money to fix things. Even more important, finding those problems early can prevent you from taking on bigger issues with more widespread damage in the future.

Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to roof damage and if your roof has had any debris on it for any length of time, you may want to do a full inspection now to make sure everything is okay.



How to Get Rid of Mice in An Apartment

Mice may look cute and harmless, but finding them in your apartment can be a serious problem. They can damage your belongings, get into your cabinets and contaminate food, and spread disease through droppings and potential bites.

The best way to keep pests away is to call your local Pest Control Services Williamsburg, but you can also take alternative steps to having a professional service do the work for you. It can also be less expensive in the long run, just as long as you take action early enough to get rid of the mice and keep them out.

Alert Your Landlord

First things first, at the first sign of a mouse problem, whether you find droppings or you see one of them scurry across the floor or counter-top you need to inform your landlord. It could be a smaller indication of a larger possible issue and you certainly don’t want to pay rent for tiny furry roommates.

Locating Entry Points

If mice are getting into your home, there has to be some place they are finding a way inside. It’s up to you to identify that location and close it off. You can look in some of the most popular areas where openings can occur such as cracks and gaps near window and door frames, or in places where holes exist near plumbing, under cabinets and shelves, anywhere the outside can make its way inside.

Once you find these vulnerabilities, fortify them by filling gaps, closing holes, and placing restrictive apparatuses to prevent more mice from inviting themselves inside.

Keep a Clean Home

Mice are coming inside because they are finding food and suitable shelter. That can be a sign that your home isn’t as clean as it could (or should) be and you have some work to do. This includes not keeping dirty dishes in the sink, placing food in airtight containers instead of bags and boxes, and putting things in the refrigerator to make it tougher to reach. Clean your counter-tops and shelves, throw out old and expired food and reduce the number of places for mice to hide.

Traps and Bait Options

There are many different types of mousetraps out there. The one you choose can bring many pros and cons. Glue traps can be inhumane and they rely on you to do the killing as the animal is stuck to the trap unable to escape and the longer you forget to check the trap, the longer the mouse suffers. Poison traps can be problematic as the animal can eat the poison, then go disappear into the walls of your home to die and decompose, causing a bad odor to permeate for weeks.

Standard mousetraps are a good idea because they can kill the mouse instantly and while you need to clean up the corpse after the trap has been triggered, you’re not the one doing the killing. Whichever you use, be sure to monitor your traps and bait often so you’re not living with a rotting dead animal in a dark corner of your apartment.

How to Clean and Dry Carpet in The Winter

With the winter season just around the corner, moisture is going to become a growing concern for your carpet. All of that snow and ice that is bound to accumulate can pose some serious dangers to the overall condition of your expensive floor covering as shoes and boots track in all that moisture and stain the fibers.

Removing those stains can be a challenge because the root cause of the problem isn’t the wetness as much as the salt that is contained within. Salt is used as a method for melting snow and ice from sidewalks, roads, and driveways, when you step in those melted slush puddles of frozen precipitation you track that salt along on the soles of your shoes and boots. This is in addition to the dirt and other grime that can get intermingled into the slush.

When you ground all of that stuff into the fibers of your carpet, you will soon discover that stains have emerged. So when it comes to maintaining carpet, you need to be diligent about preventing these types of messes from happening. In addition to typical routine maintenance efforts from your local carpet cleaning services, you will need to take some important steps for tidying up in between professional cleanings:

Removing Salt Stains

Eliminating salt stains requires a mix of warm water and white vinegar. Pour both into a spray bottle at a ratio of half and half. Spray the stained areas thoroughly and then gently rub at the stain with a brush or clean cloth. This will help to bring the salt to the surface from out of the fibers.

When you’ve done that, get a second dry, clean towel or cloth and blot at the moistened areas of the carpet. Refrain from wiping or you could drive the stain back into the fibers. After you’ve finished, be sure to vacuum and then allow the carpet to dry completely.

Eliminating Dirt and Slush Stains

These are even easier to remove; you just need to be patient about it. Some soap and hot water will get those tough dirt and slush stains out of the carpet. Just be sure to remain gentle about the way you clean your carpet fibers, always remember to blot and never rub or you may risk driving the stains further instead of lifting them out.

When you’re done, rinse the cleaned areas with cold water being careful not to saturate the carpeting or you could allow moisture to get trapped under the padding and the carpet backing. That may lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

Drying the Carpet

As the colder months come around, you need to take a different approach to drying your carpets since the air is a lot drier in the wintertime. Many homeowners will try to expedite the process of carpet drying by using some kind of heat source, thinking it will speed things up. In fact, you’re only keeping the carpet from drying and allowing moisture to remain longer.

Your Next Business Website Considerations

Business websites tend to go out of date quite rapidly, and most will need updating every few years. In fact, a lot of firms invest in regular programmes of updating and change to ensure that their digital assets are in line with the latest trends in the marketplace and compliant with emerging technologies.

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Whether or not you have a large or small budget, there are various interesting features you can consider for your website that will offer your customers a great experience.

The Customer Journey

All of the best websites have excellent usability which is delivered through good site mapping. This activity involves working out what customers will want to see on your website and providing a quick and easy route to finding that content. Drop-down menus are always useful, and a search function is provided by many. Some websites will go one step further and provide some form of customer diagnostic to help the customer to drill down to the right level of information, especially if a number of services or products are offered by the brand or if the site is informational and rich with content.

News Functions

Content is key to a successful website, and a good news feature allows you to keep your site fresh by presenting the latest news, case studies and other snippets. These can also be integrated with social media channels so that your website pushes out the latest content to your social followers and provides a seamless experience without requiring a digital resource to manage multiple platforms and accounts. Firstly talk to someone like a ryco seo belfast agency who offer SEO Belfast way.   Speak to a digital expert to find out how you can integrate your digital assets and automate news updating and other functions to reduce the need for administrative resource.

A well-designed website is a thing of beauty and helps with function. The next wave of websites may see advances in immersive and interactive design, but for today clean and crisp graphics, clear layouts, grid formations and animations and tiling sliders are all useful ways of providing information in an attractive and engaging way. Find a web designer, who will provide designers and developers to deliver your next project.

Customer Self-Service

Most customers value the ability to log on to their account and find details of services that they want to buy, see recent orders, track deliveries, change their personal details, chat with a service operative or carry out some other kind of high-value online transaction that doesn’t require them to make a telephone call or see someone face to face. Online purchasing, applications and similar functions are also greatly valued by customers in an online format, especially when the individual can store his or her information for further use. Businesses that can integrate payment processing gateways, CRM systems and other software to provide a secure customer account area will automatically provide a ‘sticky’ purpose for the site and a reason for the customer to come back for more.

These are just four interesting features that regularly appear in good business websites. What features and functionalities are you considering for your next website build?

Kitchens of all sizes need Commercial catering equipment

More people are starting their own business than ever before, many from their kitchen table or other small premises. This includes small catering businesses beyond the ‘traditional’ restaurant or cafe. With the popularity of cupcakes and other baking on the rise, many are home-based ‒ at least to start with.

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In such small spaces every spare centimetre counts and catering equipment needs to be smaller and consequently more complex as business owners strive to make everything work harder.

Kitchen table enterprises

Working from home is an attractive proposition for many, providing more flexibility to fit around other commitments and family life. A food-based cottage industry, provided the right certificates and assessments are in place, can be a low-risk, low-cost way to try out the very popular food industry. The Office for National Statistics details the rise of self-employed workers in 2014, with the trend set to continue this year.

Space at home is often limited and owners of these start-ups are looking for more compact appliances for their kitchens, such as commercial dishwashers. Businesses such as 247 catering supplies to suit all business sizes and requirements. The Catering Equipment Suppliers’ Association highlights why understanding refrigeration is important, as getting this wrong could be very costly.

Festivals galore

With more festivals each year, demand for food trucks and outdoor dining ‒ or at least food on the go ‒ increases. Festival catering is fun and versatile for entrepreneurs, with the opportunity to be ‘niche’ with the menu.

Would-be customers take the same approach, assessing a food truck as they would a restaurant, with cleanliness often the top priority followed by food quality and flavour. Having the right commercial equipment on site can help to make finding favour more easily achievable. Consumers are not forgiving with their high expectations from smaller outlets, even though the chef has much less room in which to work.

Less kitchen space

As commercial catering equipment becomes more efficient, businesses are realising that kitchen space can be squeezed. More space out front means more covers and more cash. This potentially makes a business more profitable, although beware squeezing the back-end too much. No matter how well designed a kitchen is, there comes a point where it is simply too small to cope with demand.  You can be clever about the space used inside and outside by contacting businesses like rackzone pallet racking who are a Pallet Racking Ireland company to put your products on and resources.  These are great for storing items on to which is exactly what you need for your business.

 Halloween costume ideas that are Netflix-inspired

We all love Netflix… and Halloween, so why not place the two together and take inspiration for your October 31st fancy dress outfits?  Organise all the Residential Park Homes owners to get together for a halloween party and have some fun.  If you are interested in finding out more about park home life and the fun they have, don’t forget to check online.

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Stranger Things

Eleven, from Stranger Things, has provided inspiration for Halloween outfits for a couple of years now, but her iconic peach dress and blonde wig look is still a perfect one for an easy party look. Look for a traditional peach dress with a Peter Pan collar, combined with a pale blonde long wig with a 70s style curl set – and wear with flat pumps and cream tights. A little fake blood to suggest a nosebleed will complete your look perfectly. Just hope that you don’t encounter the Upside Down on the night…


This show provides several great characters to draw inspiration from. Why not sport a long red wig and matching scarlet lipstick to channel Cheryl? Or go all-out Veronica with black hair, dresses and high heels? The cheerleading outfits will always be a great choice too, and you can always adapt them to go zombie cheerleader if you want to be darker!

Gossip Girl

How about adopting Blair Waldorf as inspiration for your costume, but an undead version? Rock her sassy hairband and attitude, but go for deathly white face makeup and powder in your perfect black blow dry. Most of us can’t afford Chanel originals, but a box cut jacket and pencil skirt from the local charity shop will do, with some costume jewellery and sheer tights for that Upper East Side finish.

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Breaking Bad

For the men, Breaking Bad is obviously a great choice for a Halloween costume, and Walter is the easiest to adopt, with a Heisenberg style hat, glasses and a moustache.

Planning to stay in for Halloween, rather than head to a party this year? You can still dress up and have your party at home, before watching a scary movie or two. Just make sure your TV kit is all up to date beforehand.  Sort your TV aerial if you need to upgrade your set or place a new one in your home, to accommodate your spooky party film-watching session.

Remember, Halloween comes but once a year, so don’t forget to celebrate it with great costumes, family games, trick or treat and that all-important Jack o’ Lantern in the porch!

County Mayo offers a foodie’s paradise

Mayo Food Festival

Each September sees the Mayo Street Food Festival return to tempt tastes at Castlebar. The event aims to showcase the best of the Mayo food world, highlighting the fantastic handicraft products the region has to offer, including the culinary genius of local chefs, with lots of entertaining and live music along the way. This year, a popular party is taking place! Bridge Lane – part of the Greenway route through the county town of Mayo – will host the festival.

Tastes of Achill

Flavours of Achill Island is an exhibition of the area’s unique food culture, its producers and the land that produces food. Taking place on 21 September and 26 October, the day tour visits 4 island producer; Achill Island Sea Salt, Mount Calvey Achill Sheep, American Irish Whiskey Products and Keem Bay. This tour will also serve lunch at a local restaurant with a menu that displays the taste of the beautiful Island. It is a tour by bus through the dramatic backdrop of the wild Achill Island, Atlantic Ocean and the rough, wild landscape. Keep reading reheat chicken wings.

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This unique experience will give you hands-on experience with local Achill food and beverage producers.  There is the chance to learn how locals maintain food production on the island and how the island inspires great creativity with food and drink through the use of local resources. On the tour, you will learn that island life encourages ingenuity and produces a strong sense of character which matches the character of island life. Come and enjoy the authentic flavours of Achill Island and make new friends along the way! Travel here with Irish Airports at

Island Harvest Banquet

The Harvest Banquet at Westport House is an opportunity to sample some of the best seasonal and locally sourced food along with wine tasting and entertainment. The evening features a truly extraordinary menu celebrating all that is great and good in local food & drinks. The only event of its kind along the Wild Atlantic Way, it combines new innovative products from local suppliers and places filled with history. The Chef Team from Westport Hotels will partner with local artisans to produce and prepare delicious banquets using the best ingredients and local products on the market.

Located on a 400-acre estate, this stunning 18th century Westport House provides the ideal setting for this year’s Westport Harvest Banquet. They are very fortunate to have so many local craftsmen producers on their doorstep, the locals know where to find it, but many visitors don’t, so Westport House wants to create a truly authentic experience for their products to be exhibited.

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Wild Atlantic Way Food Tour

On October 11, starting at the Mulranny Park Hotel, take part in a food tour along WAW, where you will meet some fascinating locals who produce some of the best products in County Mayo. From butchers to famous oysters, you can hear stories, gain industry knowledge into the food business and even sample some of their amazing products. The tour starts on Achill Island before heading into Westport, finishing back at Mulranny Park Hotel. A Lunch, transportation and taste tests are all included in the event. The Gourmet Tour was chosen as one of the 5 Best Tourism Activities along the Wild Atlantic Way at the 2019 Irish Tourism Awards.


How to Choose the Best Colour for Office Paint

A 2012 study focusing on the effect of hospital paint colours found white gave a “clinical appearance.” It made people feel intimidated and on edge. Consider instead choosing a colour for your office that is subtle, if you want to put people at ease.

Most people learn to associate bright colours with energy, but it turns out they might not represent the right kind of energy. For example, a psychology study found red increases the speed and strength of emotions. Red gives us the sense that everything needs to happen right now, making us feel edgy and anxious. This is probably not the kind of atmosphere you want to create in an office but this is ideal for sales, which is why retail outlets use red in their sales signage and offers.

Blue – of the Mind

The blue colour stimulates the mind, leading to greater productivity. The blue colour palette is ideal for staying focused in the repetitive industry. Accounting offices often use blue to increase productivity and keep their employees focused. Perhaps this colour will suit your next office refit. For Office Refurbishment Companies, visit Mobius at work

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Red – of the Body

Red evokes urgent feelings, so for physical labour such as building, red will boost energy levels.

Yellow – Emotion

Yellow stimulates emotions, which makes it the perfect colour for the creative industry. It also brings feelings of contentedness and can lift the spirit.

Green – Balance

We might think of green as the colour of money, and rightly so. Green is about balance, calm, and certainty. So, if you work in the financial industry, green is the colour of your office.

Colours That Work Best for Your Office

Now you might have an idea of ​​what works for your particular industry, here are some suggestions for the best colours for your office.

  1. Off-White

White may have a clinical appearance, but a pale white colour in an eggshell texture will soften the appearance of the original white. It’s easy to decorate and design around, giving warmth but not the clinical appearance.

  1. Teal / Light Blue

Because duck egg blue is a combination of blue and green, it can turn any workspace into a productivity engine. It is important to be careful not to use too many colours. Brightness and intensity are also important for the desired effect.

  1. Grey

Grey falls between black and white which gives a neutral atmosphere. There are many different shades of grey that evoke different feelings. Classic grey is very subtle but can make your staff, customers or you feel a little sad.

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  1. Light Blue

A soft light blue colour will calm your environment and give a peaceful impression. This is a good choice for a private doctor’s office, especially specialists, who handle nervous patients every day.

  1. Chocolate

Brown works very well in a room that needs to feel confident and strong. Coupled with rich wooden office furniture, a deep chocolate brown will also provide pleasant warmth.

  1. Purple

Purple has a lot of features in its range but using something like violet is the right choice for a feminine space like a salon.

  1. Green

A full, hearty, velvety green is perfect for industries like finance and health. Choosing lighter or darker shades will change the atmosphere of the room. Whenever you see green, remember how the light will hit it. A lime green might be a little too dazzling if your room has lots of windows.

Summertime dresses you need within your clothing collection this season

Figuring out what to dress in the moment the temperature gets warmer can be challenging. You, in a perfect world want comfort, but do not wish to live in only ,  and so ought to have clothing a little trendier. Different dress styles from a maxi to a mini are available in every sizing, shape and design, so undoubtedly it should be easy to obtain the optimal design for you? Consider trying on a couple of these dresses on for size:

The Maxi Dress

A lady can have  a great experience wearing a vibrant and vivid Maxi. During the breeziness of a lengthy hot summers day you’ll relish the flattering, feminine feeling this amazing dress provides you. Maxi’s are fantastic for keeping cool when conditions go up but minus the anxiety of uncovering to much of your skin to the sun. A great choice for most body shapes and sizes, the Maxi can work very well with high heel sandals or a flat shoe depending upon your height, and worn with the help of a belt to highlight the waist.

Bodycon Dresses

This style of dress happens to be very popular with superstars lately and its attraction continues to demonstrate in clothing shop sales across the nation. Continuing to be cool and trendy, this bodycon dress is a attractive, flirtatious choice for young ladies who simply choose to enjoy having fun, and its shape discloses all of a young ladies curves! Add a pair of high heels for an instant glam party appearance or don with roman sandals for a summer day trip. Best for


Make your dress your own personal one with a flare style that incorporates a flare in various parts of the dress. Arm flares are great for disguising areas that you don’t like on your arms and the same is true of flares that cover the breasts and dresses that are tight-fitting at the bust but flare out of the waist. The flared dress is therefore a top choice for those of all body shapes, with the flexibility to cover up bits you are maybe not comfortable with. For this reason they are often worn as Party Dresses to enable the wearer to feel confident all evening. You can see some great examples at

The Lace Dress

Whilst plainer dresses might count on accessories, the lace dress does all of it on its own. There is no need for extravagant jewellery or other items, as lace does glitz and sophistication, promoting magnificence each time it’s worn. Maybe you want to go over the knee for that real summery look and feel or choose ankle length for the ultimate in night time splendor? Combine a bold lipstick colour and open-toed shoes to finish off the look and feel.

Tailored Knee-Length

For anyone seeking a classy, dressy outfit, tailored dresses to the knee are a much-loved wardrobe essential. A tailored dress certainly is the best selection for those special occasions where only the most effective will do, for example , wedding receptions, parties at work,visits to a cocktail bar, social networking or garden get-togethers. Dresses to the knee will almost always be a classy and attractive choice for those who do not feel self assured in gowns that finish at the ankle.  Readily available in a vast selection of fabrics and tones, you’ll without a doubt uncover the right tailored knee length dress for you  Add a additional level of elegance by slipping on a jacket which has been expertly tailored too.

Natural Remedy for Insomnia

If you find yourself continually facing restless nights and sleep deprived days, you may be one of the millions who are searching for the cure for their insomnia.  However, even though it is easier to run to the doctor and get prescribed sleep aids, you may want to consider a natural remedy for insomnia if you hope to cure your problem long term.