Business websites tend to go out of date quite rapidly, and most will need updating every few years. In fact, a lot of firms invest in regular programmes of updating and change to ensure that their digital assets are in line with the latest trends in the marketplace and compliant with emerging technologies.
Whether or not you have a large or small budget, there are various interesting features you can consider for your website that will offer your customers a great experience.
The Customer Journey
All of the best websites have excellent usability which is delivered through good site mapping. This activity involves working out what customers will want to see on your website and providing a quick and easy route to finding that content. Drop-down menus are always useful, and a search function is provided by many. Some websites will go one step further and provide some form of customer diagnostic to help the customer to drill down to the right level of information, especially if a number of services or products are offered by the brand or if the site is informational and rich with content.
News Functions
Content is key to a successful website, and a good news feature allows you to keep your site fresh by presenting the latest news, case studies and other snippets. These can also be integrated with social media channels so that your website pushes out the latest content to your social followers and provides a seamless experience without requiring a digital resource to manage multiple platforms and accounts. Firstly talk to someone like a ryco seo belfast agency who offer SEO Belfast way. Speak to a digital expert to find out how you can integrate your digital assets and automate news updating and other functions to reduce the need for administrative resource.
A well-designed website is a thing of beauty and helps with function. The next wave of websites may see advances in immersive and interactive design, but for today clean and crisp graphics, clear layouts, grid formations and animations and tiling sliders are all useful ways of providing information in an attractive and engaging way. Find a web designer, who will provide designers and developers to deliver your next project.
Customer Self-Service
Most customers value the ability to log on to their account and find details of services that they want to buy, see recent orders, track deliveries, change their personal details, chat with a service operative or carry out some other kind of high-value online transaction that doesn’t require them to make a telephone call or see someone face to face. Online purchasing, applications and similar functions are also greatly valued by customers in an online format, especially when the individual can store his or her information for further use. Businesses that can integrate payment processing gateways, CRM systems and other software to provide a secure customer account area will automatically provide a ‘sticky’ purpose for the site and a reason for the customer to come back for more.
These are just four interesting features that regularly appear in good business websites. What features and functionalities are you considering for your next website build?