You have probably heard that betta fish are one of the most popular pets in the world. These fish are quite a great choice for beginners, because they are easy to care for and don’t need much space. However, they can go without food for a long time. Here is what you need to know about their feeding habits and their lifespan.
You can expect your betta fish to go without water and food for around a week. After this, they will start showing signs of depression or stress which should make them easier to catch when you plan on returning to feed them again. Routine feeding is crucial because it gives the fish something rhythmic in its day so that it won’t be too stressed by hunger pangs every day.
There are three general styles of feedings that one should be aware in.
The first being once a day. This usually happens during dusk, as they normally start showing signs of hunger around this time. Once you notice any sign, it’s best to work on getting as much out as possible at this time before returning daily for an earlier feeding and then again later in the evening.
The second style is twice a day and usually happens around 2:30 (not to be confused with feeding at 8 o’clock) after you notice your fish becoming hungry. This will make sure that they are fed properly before nightfall, so if there was ever an issue of not eating or death because of bad nutrition then this would solve most problems.
A third type is every 3-4 hours – You don’ t want to wake up every morning for your fish feedings like you would with a dog. However, after 30 minutes or so of the sun hitting them their metabolisms will pick up and they will start eating more readily. If it is only happening during the night then consider making some home cooked food available in small amounts throughout the day instead of confining them all at once because this can cause obesity just like humans on a diabetes diet should avoid having too much food in one sitting.
As a general rule of thumb, it’s not recommended to exceed 2-3 times per week for young and 3-4 times per month for adults. Every few weeks or months you can probably go longer than this but be sure that the smell does not start becoming toxic so be on top of their waste water.
The betta fish is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the Betta genus. It has been kept as an aquarium pet for decades, and today it is one of the most popular ornamental fish in the world. Betta fish are small and highly social, but their long lifespan means that they can go without food for a long time. In fact, some experts have claimed that these tiny fish can survive for up to a year without eating!