Heat pumps are a green, renewable energy source that can be used to heat homes and water as an alternative to traditional gas boiler heating systems.
With the UK government’s ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions and increasing sustainability, there are many incentives for switching systems. Up to £7,500 could be available as a grant to eligible households, including those who are on a low income, vulnerable, or over the age of 60.
The ageing population in the UK is now larger and more diverse than ever, with a 47% increase in those over the age of 50 in the last 40 years. There are around 10 million people aged 65 or over, accounting for 18% of the total population
There is a noticeable shift in attitudes amongst the aged 55+ generation when it comes to issues concerning climate change. Over 61% express moderate to high concerns about climate change.
However, one prevalent misconception within this age bracket is regarding the initial outlay and costs associated with making the switch from gas to alternative renewable, greener energy sources and systems. Around 10% are put off by the perceived running costs, whilst some also fear that they will provide inadequate heat.
There is also a lack of urgency to make a switch, with many feeling that their current gas system works well, so there is no incentive to change. There is little awareness surrounding the various government assistance schemes available that help when making the changeover, such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS).
Heat Pumps
Heat pumps extract readily available air from the ground or the surrounding areas. Electricity is used to power the pump, cutting carbon emissions and meaning zero reliance on fossil fuels.
Specialists such as /gsmlimited.com/services/air-source-heat-pumps/worcester supply and install air source heat pumps Worcester and boast teams of qualified, insured, and expert engineers.
Most reputable heat pump installers are happy to give no-obligation advice to those who are interested in further information. In the unlikely event that a system fails, it is fully covered by an extended warranty and expert support.