Going out on a boat and spending time at sea is fun, but it is also important to be safe when doing so. Here are some of the important safety features found on boats…
Life Jackets – All vessels must carry life jackets and everyone on board needs to wear one. It is important that life jackets are the appropriate size and are done up correctly to prevent people from slipping out of them.
Marine Radio – A marine radio is crucial on a boat, and anyone that is sailing a boat should always make sure that they know how to correctly operate a marine radio. A course like these marine radio courses //www.solentboattraining.co.uk/rya-shorebased-courses/rya-vhf-src-radio will teach you what you need to know about how to correctly operate one – teaching things like using the correct channels, handling distress and medical emergencies and how to use the radio itself.
Safety Lines – These are typically used on larger vessels that often spend time in rough conditions. These are lines that are designed to secure people on the deck of the boat to prevent them being thrown overboard when the sea is very rough.
Navigation Lights – When you are going to be sailing at night, it is crucial that other vessels are able to see you. Navigation lights should always be used once it gets dark to allow this to happen – there are different coloured lights for each part of the boat too so it is essential that these are in the right places.