Whilst we have some of the most sophisticated drains and sewers across the world, there are still some instances where blockages can occur. Fatbergs are one of the most common causes of blockages and they occur when fat combines with food residue to create an almost immoveable blockage. It is important that when you think you have a problem in your drain or sewage pipes that you work with a professional company like a CCTV Drain Surveys Windsor company such as drainpower.co.uk/drainage-services/cctv-drain-surveys/cctv-drain-surveys-windsor/. These companies have very sophisticated ways to locate a blockage and to then remove it if necessary.
In the past the only way to find out where a blockage was, was to open up a section of pipe and then look into it. This would mean digging up large areas of ground around the pipe and it could result in a significant amount of disruption to people in the local area.
Nowadays looking for blockages is much easier with the use of CCTV cameras. These cameras can be placed down manhole areas and fed through large areas of pipework to find the blockages. Only once the blockage has been located will the companies then look at whether there is a need for the pipe to be dug up and replaced. Many companies will look for alternative ways to fix these first such as drain lining.